
Should Congress allocate $25.9 billion towards funding the FDA and various agricultural and rural development agencies?
Should Congress authorize a 20% funding reduction to financial regulatory agencies?
A Commission to improve means-tested social welfare programs within the Federal Government?
Should all citizens be guaranteed the right to vote regardless of a criminal conviction?
Should Congress authorize $58.4 billion to the Department of Justice, a 29% reduction from previous years?
Should Congress provide $147 billion in funding for the Dept. of Labor, Health and Human Services, & Education, $73 billion below the President’s request?
Should Congress authorize $300 million for regulatory agencies, a 58% reduction?
Should Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene be censored for her history of bigoted remarks, advocating violence, and supporting conspiracy theories?
Should Rep. Rashida Tlaib be censured for her opposition to the Israeli government and support for Palestinian liberation?
Should student IDs be recognized as a valid for voter registration and should federal grants to states be provided to encourage youth turnout?
Should Congress ensure wait times of under 30 minutes at polling locations?
Election Mail Act (H.R. 2987)
Should the government require shelters to be acceptable addresses for obtaining a voter ID?
Should voter registration be made easier for individuals who move between states?
Should Congress provide annual state funding to improve election administration efficiency?