Should Congress allocate $25.9 billion towards funding the FDA and various agricultural and rural development agencies?

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Bill Summary

H.R. 9027 provides funding for various federal agencies tasked with promoting agriculture and improving conditions for rural communities, most significantly the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Like other appropriations bills, the total funds allocated by this bill represent a significant reduction from prior years and includes several ride-alongs targeting DEI, abortion, and immigration. Sponsor: Rep. Andy Harris (Republican, Maryland, District 1)
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Opponents say

•    "The majority is once again dragging us down a path to chaos, with bills that do not adhere to the law, and cannot become law, leading us to squander another summer rather than completing our work and passing appropriations bills on time with bipartisan and bicameral support. This bill increases costs on workers and families in rural America for basic necessities like water, energy, and housing. This bill puts food assistance at risk for the most vulnerable Americans and people around the world, and this bill jeopardizes pediatric and community health across the country. A host of cuts in this bill promise to raise the cost of living for rural Americans. Cuts to clean water and waste disposal grants threaten access to clean and reliable water for rural households and businesses. Shortchanging the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) by 90 percent, and a pittance for the Rural Energy Savings Program will make it harder for small businesses and agricultural producers to keep up with soaring energy costs. And cuts to direct loans that help rural Americans buy homes, and the elimination of grants for farm labor housing, will make it even more expensive for people in rural America to keep a roof over their head. While rural Americans are contending with rising food costs and an elevated cost of living, increasing energy and housing prices would be disastrous for their household’s bottom line.Source: Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Democrat, Connecticut, District 3)

•    "This slate of funding bills being released by the majority steps away from the Fiscal Responsibility Act funding levels that were the foundation for the bills just passed a few short months ago and that will be the foundation of the Senate bills. Even the programs in this bill that are maintained at a reasonable funding level are propped up by unrealistic cuts to accounts that are crucial to the functioning of USDA, including salaries and expenses for the farm service agency and rural development. The bill would eliminate funding for maintaining the USDA headquarters. I'm also disheartened to see that no funding is included for urban agriculture or geographically disadvantaged farmers." Source: Rep. Sanford Bishop (Democrat, Georgia, District 2)

Proponents say

•    "This Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill is an important piece of legislation because it touches the lives of Americans daily as we all depend on a safe food and drug supply overseen by both the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. This legislation also recognizes that Americans are struggling with inflation, and we must rein in the reckless spending of the Biden Administration by targeting funding towards core programs that help America’s farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. I look forward to this bill’s final passage on the House Floor and thank my committee staff for their dedicated work to advance this critical legislation." Source: Rep. Andy Harris (Republican, Maryland, District 1) 

•    "We are reminded today that agriculture is not merely a commodity—it is a way of life. Through production, innovation, and pure grit, American farmers and producers feed the world. This FY25 bill prioritizes U.S. agriculture, food security, and a safe medical supply. It supports our rural communities by investing in broadband and vital nutrition programs. We also take important steps to address farmland acquired and owned by foreign adversaries. Each provision helps sustain, fuel, heal, and connect American families. Chairman Harris ensured taxpayer dollars are spent where they are needed most." Source: Rep. Tom Cole (Republican, Oklahoma, District 4)