A Commission to improve means-tested social welfare programs within the Federal Government?

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Bill Summary

The People-Centered Assistance Reform Act, or the People CARE Act, aims to streamline and improve the efficiency of means-tested welfare programs within the Federal Government. The Act aims to ensure that individuals on such programs have the resources to eventually transition off of means-tested programs and can maintain an income above the poverty level without services from the Federal Government. The Act calls for the establishment of a CARE Commission within the legislative branch with the responsibilities of identifying and sponsoring changes in law to achieve such improved efficiency, evaluating the benefits of consolidating/repurposing programs to increase functionality, and ensuring that social workers have the appropriate tools to accurately assess individual and family eligibility for all welfare programs within the scope of the Commission. Sponsor: Rep. Warren Davidson (Republican, Ohio, District 8)
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Opponents say

•    At the time of research and publication, no official opposing statements have been identified.  This does not mean that nobody opposes the bill, nor does it mean that opposing statements will not be made in the future.  

Proponents say

•    "Throughout my travels across the Eighth District, the message is clear – we need a different approach to help families escape poverty,” said Congressman Davidson. “The goal of the People CARE Act is to ensure that caseworkers have the necessary tools to treat clients individually and holistically, rather than simply administer programs." Source: Rep. Warren Davidson (Republican, Ohio, District 8)

•    "Work is the best, most effective way to help more individuals achieve a life of greater dignity and purpose that uses their talents and skills to provide for themselves and their families. Yet, shocking news reports and Committee oversight efforts have exposed that America’s welfare system – instead of helping more low-income Americans find and keep a job that supports their family – has allowed taxpayer dollars to be wasted on pet projects and absurd administrative costs [...] hard-working taxpayers should be able to expect that their hard-earned tax dollars will be spent appropriately, not lost to waste, fraud, and abuse. Raising standards on states and forcing more transparency into the system is long overdue." Source: Rep. Jason Smith (Republican, Ohio, District 8) Ways and Means Committee Chairman