Spending for service members' pay, housing, and healthcare, new military equipment, technology, and infrastructure improvements?
H.R. 8070, the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act, adds funding for The United States’ national defense budget in 2025. It includes measures to increase service members' pay, reform healthcare services and living conditions, and establish cyber units within each state's National Guard to respond to cyber threats. Additionally, the bill supports Native American contractors and other small businesses through the APEX Accelerator Program and strengthens military justice by closing loopholes in the Uniform Code of Military Justice to enhance penalties for sexual crimes involving children. Other provisions address economic measures against foreign adversaries, enhance special operations training, and promote sustainable practices within military operations. Sponsor: Rep. Mike Rogers (Republican, Alabama, District 3)
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How do you feel?
Opponents say
• "I remain highly concerned with several issues confronting our strategic forces. For example, I believe this administration’s homeland and regional missile defense budget accepts too much risk and does not meet the current threat environment we see every day. The subcommittee attempts to address some of these risks by partially restoring funding to the SM-3 production line, but it is not enough. Our mark also supports the ongoing effort to modernize America’s nuclear deterrent and the laboratory and production infrastructure managed by the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. While we wait for the results of the Nunn McCurdy process, we cannot lose sight of the importance of our nuclear deterrent and its place as the bedrock of our national security. I am particularly pleased with the provisions in this mark that ask the Space Force to continue to budget and plan for the integration of cutting-edge commercial systems. As in other areas of the mark, we had to make hard choices such as GPS modernization. However, I want to underscore that this subcommittee strongly supports the ongoing upgrades of the GPS system and appreciates the vital role it plays for the joint force and civilian services. Finally, I would like to add my voice to those who say this defense budget is inadequate to meet the growing threats in the current security environment." Source: Rep. Doug Lamborn (Republican, Colorado, District 5)
Proponents say
• "For the first time in decades, the bill before us today carries a different short title. It is the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act. We did that to underscore the tremendous gains this bill makes toward improving the quality of life for our servicemembers and their families. No servicemember should have to live in squalid conditions. No military family should have to rely on food stamps to feed their children. And no one serving this country should have to wait weeks to see a doctor or a mental health specialist. This bill will go a long way toward fixing that. I want to thank Mr. Bacon and Ms. Houlahan, and all the members of the Quality of Life Panel for their hard work and contributions to this bill. This bill is also the product of hundreds of hours of oversight done by all members and staff over the past few months. It is a good bill that will help revitalize the defense industrial base and build the ready, capable, and lethal fighting force we need to deter China and our other adversaries…" Source: Rep. Mike Rogers (Republican, Alabama, District 3)
• "I want to emphasize the importance of appropriately funding the readiness accounts. No longer can we jeopardize current and future readiness by underfunding maintenance, sustainment, and training. Quality of life for our service members is paramount. The Readiness subcommittee included more than $1.1 billion for quality of life initiatives. The condition of our barracks is shocking. We must provide safe barracks and housing that puts our service members’ welfare first. This print does exactly that. I thank my colleagues for the work done on the Quality of Life Panel. Based on their hard work and the continued oversight of the Readiness subcommittee, we included several provisions to address the poor conditions at unaccompanied housing facilities and operational facilities that impact readiness. To improve barracks and aging infrastructure, transparency of Facilities, Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (FSRM) execution is key. The subcommittee required that each Military Department implement an electronic management system to track how FSRM funds are spent and keep current records of facility conditions. With more granularity in this data, and oversight from this committee, the Military Departments will be forced to adequately budget and plan for facility upkeep. Furthermore, this print provides necessary oversight of the global household goods contract. I remain concerned about a single point of failure in the new contract and emphasize that oversight from both TRANSCOM and Congress, provided in this print, is an important part of implementation. Lastly, this print mandates the Department of Defense eliminate reliance on Russian energy for all installations within European Command." Source: Rep. Mike Waltz (Republican, Florida, District 6)