Impose sanctions on foreign persons who assist the International Criminal Court?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

H.R. 8282 would impose sanctions, such as blocking property and revoking visas, on foreign persons who carry out or assist the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) investigation, arrest, detention, or prosecution of protected U.S. nationals or nationals of U.S. allies. This bill was proposed in response to the ICC chief prosecutor filing applications for warrants of arrest to indict Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders following alleged war crimes in the ongoing Israel-Hamas War. Sponsor: Rep. Chip Roy (Republican, Texas, District 21)
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Opponents say

•      "The decision [to seek arrest warrants] will only further inflame tensions and divisions, embolden anti-Israel conspiracies, and ultimately, it will undermine the credibility of the ICC." Source: Rep. Greg Landsman (Democrat, Ohio, District 1)

•      "The International Criminal Court must be allowed to conduct its work independently and without interference. The application for arrest warrants is merely the beginning of a judicial process. The ICC has been a functioning court – it has seen convictions, acquittals, and dismissals, as we would expect from an impartial and non-political judicial body. The allegations from the Prosecutor’s office are significant, and it has long been my belief that the absence of credible processes for justice are a key reason the conflict between Israel and Palestinians continues to escalate." Source: Rep. Ilhan Omar (Democrat, Minnesota, District 5)

Proponents say

•      "They (ICC) made an escalatory and unprecedented step, just recently, threatening to issue illegitimate arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli officials for alleged war crimes in Gaza…What you are seeing is an assault on Western civilization on Israel and, by extension, on our sovereignty as America…We can’t stand by and allow an international tribunal to be targeting our ally and friend Israel for simply defending itself against attack. This is why I was proud to…introduce the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act to impose sanctions on the ICC…modeled very similarly to the Trump executive order." Source: Rep. Chip Roy (Republican, Texas, District 21)

•      "The International Criminal Court’s threats to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli Defense officials expose a campaign to undermine the only democracy in the Middle East while turning a blind eye to the numerous human right atrocities committed by Hamas. This double standard is an abuse of power by the ICC and exposes their irrelevance. I am proud to support the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act that will put guardrails in place to protect Israel and our allies from baseless attacks from the ICC. The ICC is on notice, if they move forward with these illegitimate warrants, the international bureaucrats involved will face consequences." Source: Rep. Elise Stefanik (Republican, New York, District 21)