Chemical disclosure in salons and research?

Awaiting Vote
Bill Summary

This bill would mandate that salons disclose their product ingredients, provide access to translated safety data sheets, increase funding for research grants to identify chemicals of concern and the health impacts in communities of color, require communication between the FDA and community leaders, and create an inter-agency task force to share data and generate solutions to toxic exposures. Sponsor: Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Democrat, Illinois, District 9)
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Opponents say

•    At the time of research and publication, no official opponent statements were found. This does not necessarily mean that nobody opposes the bill, nor does it mean that statements won’t be made in the future.

Proponents say

•    "Already, more than 40 countries, including the EU, are far ahead of us in implementing strict cosmetic safety regulations. Meanwhile, we have not significantly updated our federal cosmetics laws since 1938. We cannot wait any longer. The Safer Beauty Bill Package will ban 11 of the most toxic chemicals; increase protections for women of color and salon workers who are most often exposed to these toxic chemicals; and make ingredient transparency the new industry standard. It is time the U.S. catchup and give consumers the confidence that their beauty and personal care products are safe." Source: Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Democrat, Illinois, District 9)