Should states ensure that voters do not have to stand in line for more than 30 minutes to vote?

Awaiting Vote
Bill Summary

This bill will require the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to establish national standards for the location and operation of polling places, such as the requirement that no individual shall be required to wait longer than 30 minutes to cast a vote at a polling place. In addition, the EAC will study misidentification by election officials of the political party registration of individuals attempting to vote in primary elections for federal office, and instances of states purging official voter registration lists to automatically remove individuals who do not vote. Sponsor: Rep. Raul Grijalva (Democrat, Arizona, District 3)
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Opponents say

     "None of what we’ve discussed is voter suppression. And none of what we’ve discussed is Jim Crow." Source: State Sen. Paul Bettencourt (Republican, Texas)

Proponents say

     "As some states restrict voting and make voters wait in long lines, the Voting Access Act is needed more than ever. Common Cause commends Representative Grijalva for his longstanding leadership to promote voting rights so that all eligible Americans can have their voices heard and votes counted at the ballot box." Source: Aaron Scherb (Director of Legislative Affairs, Common Cause)