Should members of the House of Representative be able to cast their votes through proxy members due to the Coronavirus?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill would allow members of the House of Representatives who are unable or unwilling to travel to Washington, DC because of the Corona Virus to cast their vote via an authorized fellow Congressman. Members who are not physically present will tell their proxy how they would like to vote and their proxy will then cast their ballot. Sponsor: Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2]
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Opponents say

• "There's really no excuse to not gather in the same room. And frankly, it's the United States Congress, so if we need to rent out a freaking stadium, then we should be able to rent a stadium and operate." Source: Rep. Warren Davidson (Republican, Ohio, District 8)
• “You want to hold up the bill because you want to change election law for November, because you think that gives you some political benefit? That’s disgusting to me. … Stop worrying about politics. Worry about what’s in front of us. And that’s the health of the nation … and our economy.” Kevin McCarthy (House Minority Leader, Republican, California, District 23)
• “In sum, over the course of 231 years, Congress has assembled at the seat of government while war raged in the surrounding environs and deadly contagion spread throughout the country. Yet neither House of Congress has ever authorized voting from the floor by mail, telegraph, or proxy, nor even considered, it appears, such a procedure. The unbroken American tradition of in-person assembly and voting in Congress confirms the unambiguous text of the Constitution: proxy voting by Members of the House of Representatives is unconstitutional.” GOP Lawsuit Against Proxy Voting

Proponents say

• “Today, after much consultation with experts and fellow Members, I recommended a path forward to my colleagues that will allow Congress to do its job in an orderly and safe manner during this pandemic: temporary, low-tech remote voting. Under this plan, any Member unable to travel to Washington due to the pandemic could provide specific instructions for each vote to a fellow Member who has been authorized to cast those votes on their behalf....This system would enable Members to vote remotely in a secure way, without using the kind of technology that is susceptible to hacking or interference by foreign bad actors….We should not wait for this pandemic to end to make changes to the rules that help us to do our jobs in such an unprecedented time.” Source: Rep. James McGovern (Democrat, Massachusetts, District 2)
• “We [Democrats] have a different value system about what voting means to a democracy. And clearly, we want to remove all obstacles to participation. No surprise that [House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy] might dismiss opening doors of participation as something that is a plus, especially in a time of pandemic.” Source: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House, Democrat, California, District 12)