Should Congress pass this $3 trillion economic relief bill during the coronavirus outbreak?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

The HEROES act allocates additional spending to help combat the impact of COVID-19. Among other things, the bill provides assistance to state and local governments, issues an additional direct payment of up to $1200 per individual, creates a $200 billion grant program for essential workers, and expands paid sick days, unemployment compensation, housing assistance, and more. The bill also provides funding and guidelines for COVID-19 testing and contact tracing, and eliminates cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatments. Sponsor: Rep. Nita Lowey (Democrat, New York, District 17)
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Opponents say

• “It's not going to pass the Senate, nor should it. [... The] bill would rewrite our immigration laws. [The] bill would federalize elections. It would allow federal prisoners to go free. It mentions dope more than it talks about jobs. I think it references cannabis like 68 times. It would expand ObamaCare. And let me end as I began. It would cost $3 trillion. That's 3,000 billion dollars. We just spent $3 trillion. We need to see how that works.” Source: Sen. John Kennedy (Republican, Louisiana)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (Republican, Kentucky)
• "Congress has an obligation to be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars. American small businesses, families, and our state and local governments urgently need more aid, but it must be targeted -- especially when we are discussing spending trillions of dollars. Instead, this legislation includes unrelated partisan objectives without adequately funding the small business resources my constituents desperately need." Source: Rep. Joseph Cunningham (Democrat, South Carolina, District 1)

Proponents say

• “The number of unemployed workers across our country rivals that of the Great Depression. [...] The Heroes Act is bold legislation that rises to meet this unprecedented crisis. Without these additional investments in testing and treatment, relief for our essential workers, and support for New York’s state and local governments we cannot safeguard our families and begin the process of recovery.” Source: Rep. Nita Lowey (Democrat, New York, District 17)
• “The Heroes Act focuses on three pillars: opening our economy safely and soon; honoring our heroes; and, then, putting much-needed money into the pockets of the American people…This is not only necessary for their survival, but it is also a stimulus to the economy. Direct payments, Unemployment Insurance, rental and mortgage help and food and student loan assistance, among other things, are essential to relieve the fear that many families are facing.” Source: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California, District 12)
• “With the Heroes Act, Congress will step up and finally provide a well-funded, science-based, coordinated approach. The bill sets up a national strategy for testing and contact tracing through local public health agencies to work on the ground to stop the spread and establishes a national coordinator for PPE distribution who has experience with logistics and health care.” Source: Rep. Jerry Nadler (Democrat, New York, District 10)