Should the government authorize the Department of Veterans Affairs to continue to pay and provide services for veterans during emergency periods?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill adjusts education programs and assistance for veterans during emergency periods. Specifically, it authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to continue paying work-study allowances from March 1-December 21, 2020 and to continue to provide educational assistance and subsistence allowances while programs of education are suspended. This bill also extends the time limitation for using educational assistance and participating in a vocational rehabilitation program. Sponsor: Rep. Mark Takano (Democrat, California, District 41)
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Opponents say

• As of April 15, 2020, no opposing statements were available specific to H.R.6322. We will update this with comments if they are brought to our attention.

Proponents say

• “We cannot let any student veterans lose their work study payments, have their housing cut off, exhaust their disaster housing stipend continuation payments, or lose their benefits due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Source: Mark Takano (Democrat, California, District 41)
• “By including further protections to preserve work study and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs and allowing students to maintain their GI Bill eligibility next semester if their school was forced to close, we are sending a message to the hundreds of thousands of student veterans and their families that they are not alone in their time of need.” Source: Phil Roe (Republican, Tennessee, District 1)
• “If you serve our country, the federal government should have your back… By expanding protections for student veterans during emergencies like COVID-19, preserving the work-study program, and continuing housing benefits, we’ll be taking real steps to ensure that the government steps-up and gives student veterans the support they need as our nation works to combat and contain COVID-19.” Source: Rep. Derek Kilmer (Democrat, Washington, District 6)