Should Congress include TSA employees as civil service workers?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

HR 1140 increases protections for and expands the rights of TSA (Transportation Security Administration) agents. It attempts to give TSA employees the same rights afforded to general civil service workers. The bill includes protections over salary, annual and sick leave, and health insurance, but still does not allow for the right to strike by government employees. Sponsor: Rep. Bennie Thompson (Democrat, Mississippi, District 2)
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Opponents say

• “Current law allows the agency to move screeners between duty stations to alleviate crowds and long lines, but under this bill, that authority would be curtailed. The agency currently can improve security requirements when intelligence indicates a terror threat, but under the bill, that could be subject to negotiation with the union. … I don’t think it’s fair to dictate which union gets to represent the 45,000 person workforce, but that’s just what this bill does. This bill sets the exclusive bargaining agent for screeners and requires TSA to immediately negotiate with them. Under this bill, there’s no intervening union election.” Source: Rep. Mike Rogers(Republican, Alabama, District 3)

Proponents say

• “The TSA administrator has full discretion to set pay and benefits for employees, but thus far he has used his flexibility to benefit senior management, not the frontline workforce. One senior manager for example was given $90,000 in bonuses in a single year, a practice that would be prohibited under Title 5. In contrast, transportation security officers are among the lowest paid federal employees. … In 2017 alone, TSA spent $16 million to hire and train 2,000 people, who then left within six months of being hired. A stable and professional workforce, with more experience and training, will also assist TSA in addressing existing security vulnerabilities and covert testing failures.” Source: Rep. Bennie Thompson (Democrat, Mississippi, District 2)