Should this funding bill be passed to reopen the government?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill describes the funding and subsequent opening of the government through September 30, 2019. Included in the bill are 6 parts that explain, in depth, how much various governmental and independent agencies would receive in the coming year and how that money can and cannot be used. The bill allocates $152 billion for Agriculture, Rural Development, and the Food and Drug Administration, $71.8 billion for Commerce, Justice, and Science, $35.6 billion for the Department of the Interior and Environment, $54.4 billion for the Department of State and Foreign Operations, and $71 billion for Transportation and Housing and Urban Development. In addition to $46 billion for Financial Services and “General Government”, the bill allows for federal employees to receive back-pay from their time working during the shutdown. Along with regular funding, the bill extends the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and medicaid. Notably, this bill does not provide funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall. Sponsor: Rep. Nita Lowery (Democrat, NY-17)
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Opponents say

• “Despite not meeting the minimum requirements identified by those who are directly responsible for the Nation’s border security, this package funds a number of unnecessary programs at excessive levels well beyond what was put forward in the FY 2019 Budget.” White House Office of Management and Budget
• “Democrats are kidding themselves (they don’t really believe it!) if they say you can stop Crime, Drugs, Human Trafficking and Caravans without a Wall or Steel Barrier. Stop playing games and give America the Security it deserves.”- President Trump

Proponents say

• “[The] Shutdown, now in its third week, has forced hundreds of thousands of federal employees… to work without pay for weeks… No American, especially those who live paycheck to paycheck, should be forced to work without pay as bills for groceries, rent or mortgages, and even the cost of gas to get to work pile up… [T]he solution is simple: reopen the government, pay our federal employees, and then negotiate border security and immigration policy proposals that can command bipartisan support” - Representative Nita Lowey (D NY-17)
• “[The House] will pass a package of 6 bills agreed to by House and Senate… to re-open government so that we can fully negotiate on border security… [S]top holding the American people hostage with this senseless shutdown. Each day… Coast Guardsmen, FBI agents,border patrol officers, TSA agents, and hundreds of thousands more workers are forced to live without knowing how they can feed their families or pay their bills.” - Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D CA-12)