Is H.R. 1 the answer to guaranteeing every America citizens’ right to vote and reducing corruption?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill expands access to the ballot box by implementing new election laws including automatic voter registration, mandatory early voting, no-excuse absentee ballots, new donor disclosure requirements for political organizations, a system to multiply small donations to political campaigns, a mandatory new ethical code for the Supreme Court, and an end to most first-class travel for federal officeholders. Sponsor: Rep. John P Sarbanes (Democrat MD-3)
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Opponents say

• This bill overreaches in many ways. For example, in attempting to settle the controversy over redistricting, it takes away the power of state legislatures to draw congressional districts and has independent commissions do so instead.
• This bill is a Democratic PR stunt, made because it is unlikely to pass through the Senate.

Proponents say

• This bill fights the dominance of big money in politics by helping to stop rewarding candidates with the most money from large donors and corporate PACS our outside dark-money groups.
• This bill sets a new precedent in politics about what is achievable in the name of the people and is a powerful and necessary symbol.