Should Congress approve $145 billion for military construction and veterans affairs, energy and water development programs, and the legislative branch?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill provides the 2019 fiscal year appropriations with $96.9 billion for military construction and veterans affairs, $44.7 billion for energy & water development programs, and $3.8 billion for the legislative branch. Sponsor: Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2]
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Opponents say

• “This bill fails to provide adequate funding to crucial programs and continues the pattern of inserting harmful, unrelated policy riders into spending bills which undermines the already challenging budget process.” -Natural Resources Defense Council
• This bill does not promote responsible user of our water, ocean, and natural resources, scales back funding for clean energy innovation, and undermines safe nuclear waste disposal.

Proponents say

• “This is a well-balanced bill that places emphasis where it is needed most: meeting critical national security needs and investing in our nation's infrastructure,” Chairman Simpson said. “It prioritizes the maintenance and security of our nuclear weapons stockpile, while also supporting infrastructure projects and strategic research and development that will increase U.S. economic growth and competitiveness.”