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Should the government require annual geothermal lease sales and faster permit reviews?

Awaiting Vote
Bill Summary

H.R. 1449 amends the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 to promote geothermal energy development. The bill requires annual lease sales for geothermal energy, replacing the previous two-year cycle, and mandates replacement sales if scheduled lease sales are canceled or delayed. It also requires the inclusion of all eligible land nominated for development. Additionally, the bill establishes deadlines for the review and decision of geothermal drilling permits to streamline the application process. Sponsor: Rep. Russ Fulcher (Republican, Idaho, District 1)
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Opponents say

•      "There are challenges to geothermal energy deployment on federal lands. Geothermal developers have expressed concerns that there are insufficient acres of federal land available for development because few Bureau of Land Management (BLM) field offices hold the biannual geothermal lease sales. While H.R. 1449 aims to address these concerns, the bill would put harmful requirements on permitting that would restrict public input and rush environmental review. Additionally, H.R. 1449 provides no additional resources for permitting and could exacerbate existing staff capacity issues. Committee Democrats support the goal of increasing certainty for geothermal permitting, but rather than impose strict timelines on agencies without flexibility, Committee Democrats are working to find solutions that address the root cause of delays." Source: Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Democrat, Arizona, District 7), dissenting opinion

Proponents say

•     "Securing American energy independence should be a top priority for Congress. Geothermal is a renewable power source that can help us accomplish that goal. Idaho already plays a leading role in geothermal energy production, and I am proud to introduce this bill to further unleash its potential as a baseload source." Source: Rep. Russ Fultcher (Republican, Idaho, District 1)

•     "As we pursue all of the above energy solutions, geothermal energy must be part of the equation. Congressman Fulcher’s legislation will require annual lease sales for geothermal energy, allowing us to harness the energy already produced deep in the earth. It’s a clean, reliable energy source that we must develop further in the coming years. I’m proud to support a bill that will do just that." Source: Rep. Bruce Westerman (Republican, Arkansas, District 4)