Reintstate the White House Rural Council?

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Bill Summary

H.R. 6662 will reinstate the White House Rural Council, which was dissolved in 2017, renewing federal efforts to channel investments into rural communities nationwide. This bill's primary goal is to promote job growth and economic development in rural areas by allocating federal funds to provide resources for transportation infrastructure, conservation of agricultural lands, and improving internet access for teachers and students. The strategy partially involves collaborating with regional offices, centers, and programs to meet these rural economic development goals. The Secretary of Agriculture will serve as the Chair of the Council. Members of the council will be members of various congressional committees. Sponsor: Rep. Matt Cartwright (Democrat, Pennsylvania, District 17)
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Opponents say

•      At the time of research and publication, no official opposing statements have been identified.  This does not mean that nobody opposes the bill, nor does it mean that opposing statements will not be made in the future.

Proponents say

•     "At a time when urban areas issues get plenty of attention, it’s our responsibility to make sure small towns don’t get left behind. That’s why I’m proud to join my Republican colleague Hal Rogers in this bipartisan effort to maximize investment in rural communities. This bill directs federal dollars toward critical projects to improve health care services, expand broadband internet access, assist small businesses and strengthen schools." Source: Rep. Matt Cartwright  (Democract, Pennsylvania, District 17)

•      "This bill ensures that rural America is not an afterthought and has a prominent voice in Washington. I’m pleased that this legislation will bring together key decision makers to prioritize rural needs and make sure federal investments are having the best impact possible in the areas that need it most."  Source: Rep. Hal Rogers (Republican, Kentucky, District 5)