Should Congress allocate $325 million annually to restrict Chinese influence globally?

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Bill Summary

This bill authorizes $325 million annually from 2023 to 2027 to counter the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Government of the People’s Republic of China globally. The funds will support promoting transparency, reducing corruption, supporting civil society, exposing misinformation, and countering coercive economic practices and authoritarian ideology. The Secretary of State will designate a senior official to provide policy guidance and coordination for the use of these funds, with an emphasis on interagency collaboration. Regular reporting to Congress will ensure transparency and accountability of these initiatives. Sponsor: Rep. Andy Barr (Republican, Kentucky, District 6)
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Opponents say

At the time of research and publication, no official opposing statements have been identified. This does not mean that nobody opposes the bill, nor does it mean that opposing statements will not be made in the future.

Proponents say

•     "The Chinese Communist Party’s growing global influence is a direct threat to the sovereignty of nations and the free and open international order we are committed to defending. This legislation equips us with the tools to counter China's coercive tactics, ensuring that America and our allies can stand strong against authoritarianism while protecting our national security interests. For too long, funds meant to safeguard these interests have been diverted to questionable projects—like $6 million for Pacific island weather and ocean data collection, $5 million for English language training in Angola, and $2.5 million for scooter charging stations in Vietnam. With this bill, we send a clear message: the United States will not allow the spread of malign influence that threatens freedom and democracy worldwide." Source: Rep. Andy Barr (Republican, Kentucky, District 6)

•     "To compete with China, the funds in our institutions need to be nimble so they can adapt to Beijing's constantly evolving tactics and policies. So I will support this bill as it moves forward. but there needs to be a real bipartisan consultation with the administration on how best to achieve our objectives and ensure the fund is effective for the long term. And if we are serious about the threat that china poses, if we are truly committed to winning this competition, then we need to put our money where our mouth is." Source: Rep. Gregory Meeks (Democrat, New York, District 5)

•     "The U.S. needs more effective and agile tools to better compete with the Chinese Communist Party around the world, As the Select Committee endorsed in its economic and technology competition report, Rep. Barr’s critical legislation will strengthen the State Department’s Countering the PRC Malign Influence Fund and better enable it to successfully advance American interests abroad. My thanks to Rep. Barr for his relentless leadership on this issue."Source: Chairman John Moolenaar (Republican, Michigan, District 2)