Should Congress impose sanctions on high-ranking members of the Chinese Communist Party?

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Bill Summary

H.R. 3334 mandates the imposition of sanctions on members of the National Communist Party Congress of the People’s Republic of China. The sanctions include blocking property transactions within U.S. jurisdiction and revoking visas. The sanctions target individuals involved in actions undermining the autonomy of Hong Kong, aggression towards Taiwan, and human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims. Additionally, the bill provides for the termination of sanctions if China ceases its aggressive actions or human rights abuses. Sponsor: Rep. Lisa McClain (Republican, Michigan, District 9)
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Opponents say

•      "Representative McClain's STOP CCP Act would do nothing to change PRC behavior with regards to human rights or Taiwan, while destabilizing U.S.-China relations and harming U.S. interests. At a time where we are facing a war in Ukraine and a deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, this bill would initiate a crisis out of thin air by calling on the President to sanction all the PRC's top leadership, including the President, Premier, and senior ministers. This unilateral escalation would cause an unprecedented fissure in U.S.-China relations, and risks raising tensions to an unprecedented level not seen since establishing diplomatic ties with the PRC. H.R. 3334 calls on the President to impose sweeping sanctions across the top tier of China's leadership, without any thought to how that might impact U.S. officials and businesses who need to engage PRC officials to advance U.S. interests. An abrupt rupture in U.S.-China relations would have grave consequences for America's economy, security, and national interest." Source: Rep. Gregory Meeks (Democrat, New York, District 5), dissenting opinion

Proponents say

•      "The Chinese Communist Party is hellbent on becoming the world’s number one superpower, and they will stop at nothing to make that happen. We know that leader Xi Jinping and his commie cronies have committed horrific human rights crimes and are actively working against the interests of the United States and the free world. It’s time we take strong action and issue financial and visa sanctions on Xi and the members of China’s Central Committee. Come hell or high water, the U.S. must not give way to the CCP." Source: Rep. Lisa McClain (Republican, Michigan, District 9)