Should 529 accounts be allowed for elementary or secondary (K-12) public, private, or religious school expenses?

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Bill Summary

529 accounts are used to save for a beneficiary’s college expenses, usually with an advantage of withdrawals being exempt from any income taxes. H.R. 8915 wants to amend the Internal Revenue Code to treat expenses, such as tuition, curriculum, and educational materials, that come from elementary or secondary schools which includes public, private, and religious schools, to be included in 529 accounts. Additionally, it would amend the code to add other post-secondary options, such as trade schools and include other expenses like credentials. Sponsor: Rep. Kevin Hern (Republican, Oklahoma, District 1)
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Opponents say

•    "We have long opposed using tax expenditures to create or advance school vouchers in any form, including expanding 529 accounts to fund homeschooling or education expenses connected to private and religious K-12 schools. This expansion, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, diverts needed revenue away from our public schools to families who are able to attend private schools. H.R. 8915 is a further expansion in the wrong direction. Allowing families to use 529 plans for home schooling expenses is an additional unwarranted diversion of scarce education resources but is also not administrable by the IRS and opens the door to potential fraud. Indeed, similar programs across states have been rife with fraudulent expenses on items like big-screen televisions, video game systems, trampolines and skis." Source: Marc Egan (National Education Association)

Proponents say

•    "President Trump’s tax cuts expanded the success of 529 accounts that enable millions of Americans to invest their hard-earned dollars towards their children’s educations…At a time when inflation is hurting the American people, and the dollar is being stretched thin, 529 accounts need to be expanded to make K-12 education more affordable and also accommodate the needs of the American workforce." Source: Rep. Kevin Hern (Republican, Oklahoma, District 1)

•    "Congress can do more to ensure these accounts are flexible and available to more families so they can pursue the educational path that is right for them. Thanks to Congressman Hern’s leadership, this legislation, the Education and Workforce Freedom Act, will allow 529 plans to be used for additional educational expenses in connection with attending K-12 and even homeschool, and it will also be expanded to include workers getting credentials or licenses through career technical/vocational education. This is an incredible step forward that will unleash a new wave of educational hope, opportunity, and freedom for millions of American students, workers, and their families." Source: Rep. Jason Smith (Republican, Missouri, District 8)