Ban DJI’s (a Chinese drone company) equipment from the U.S.?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

H.R. 2864 aims to amend the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019. This act would add the Chinese drone company, Da-Jiang Innovations (DJI) to the FCC covered list. The FCC covered list is a list of communications equipment or services determined by the FCC to pose an unacceptable risk to U.S. national security. If on this list, the FCC would not approve any new DJI equipment to be brought into the U.S. By putting the DJI on this list, the aim is to prevent the company from accessing spectrum for the communications and control of their drones. Sponsor: Rep. Elise Stefanik (Republican, New York, District 21)
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Opponents say

    "DJI places the highest priority on data privacy – and puts customers in control of their data's use. Our rival drone-makers are stirring up xenophobia to eliminate market competition. We ask you to look at the facts: DJI already adopts the standards outlined in the FBI’s recent memo. Indeed, many agencies and enterprises also employ those standards when using DJI drones…In spite of our rivals’ geopolitically-disguised ploys to eliminate us from the marketplace, DJI simply does not have the data they say we do." Source: DJI

    "If you’re going to say that that an American drone is more secure just because it’s made in America, that is a false claim. You cannot say that if there’s not any infrastructure or technology built into it to keep the data from not going where it doesn’t need to go." Source: Jon McBride, Chairman, Droning Company

    "Every agency, regardless of what they’re utilizing, whether that’s a Blue UAS platform, a Chinese drone, or any other system, should always do a data security analysis on any hardware that they’re utilizing that touches the internet. They need to look at what that system is doing and communicating with, and then make the decision as to whether the mitigations that they are wanting to employ meet the data security concerns for their agency and their use case…There needs to be a standardized practice that all drone manufacturers need to be beholden to, regardless of origin, from a data security perspective, and that standard has yet to be set." Source: Brandon Karr, COO, Law Enforcement Drone Association

Proponents say

   "The advancement of my bipartisan bills, the Countering CCP Drones Act and the FACT Act is a win for America’s national security and a win for Americans whose data and critical infrastructure has been collected and monitored by our adversary Communist China. Congress must use every tool at our disposal to stop Communist China’s monopolistic control over the drone market and telecommunications infrastructure and build up America’s industrial capacity." Source: Rep. Elise Stefanik (Republican, New York, District 21)

•    "Based on DJI’s ties to the CCP, the Administration has shown that DJI is a threat to our national security and has already placed the company on multiple government entity lists. Our legislation will further protect our communications equipment while strengthening American supply chains by ensuring foreign-manufactured technologies that pose serious security threats, such as DJI’s, cannot operate in American networks." Source: Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (Democrat, Illinois,  District 8)

•    "Chinese drone-maker DJI has repeatedly lied about its links to the Chinese Communist Party while collecting vast quantities of Americans’ data. The FCC should act immediately to further ban DJI by adding it to its Covered List." Source: Sen. Marco Rubio (Republican, Florida)