Should the United States end their nuclear energy involvement with Russia?

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Bill Summary

The Rosatom Sanctions Enforcement Act aims to end U.S. reliance on Russia’s nuclear energy sector due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine. It mandates finding alternative nuclear suppliers, limiting Russia's revenue from Rosatom, and curbing its international influence. The President must submit a biannual strategy to achieve these goals, impose sanctions on Rosatom and related entities, and regulate financial institutions facilitating their activities. Waivers for sanctions are possible for national security, medical, and industrial isotope production. Congressional oversight and a pause on export licenses under the U.S.-Russia nuclear cooperation agreement are required. No additional funds are authorized for this Act's implementation, which relies on existing appropriations. Sponsor: Rep. Thomas H. Kean (Republican, New Jersey, District 7)
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Opponents say

•    At the time of research and publication, no official opponent statements were found. This does not necessarily mean that nobody opposes the bill, nor does it mean that statements won’t be made in the future.  

Proponents say

•   "Rosatom helps the Kremlin blunt the impact of sanctions by providing revenue for Vladimir Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine,” said Chairman Kean. “We must use every tool possible to cripple Putin’s war machine and end Western reliance on the Russian nuclear energy sector. As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, I will continue to work with my colleagues to starve Putin of the resources he needs to prosecute his war of aggression, including by tightening the noose around Rosatom. We cannot afford to allow Russia’s nuclear industry to continue to dominate the global nuclear energy market."  Source: Rep. Thomas H. Kean, (Republican, New Jersey, District 7)

•  "Restraining Russia’s capabilities requires much more comprehensive action, such as automatic sanctions against all Rosatom assets acquired after Feb. 24, 2022; sanctions against Rosatom-linked research organizations in order to restrict Russia’s access to modern technologies; and working with the EU and G-7 to ensure that sanctions have the highest possible impact. Without further intervention, Rosatom’s dominance in the global market for nuclear power plants—where the company already supplies more than 70 percent of worldwide exports—will continue to provide Russia with an edge in funding its war and advancing its interests." Source: Rep. Lloyd Doggett, (Democrat, Texas, District 37)