Should Congress allow small businesses to provide healthcare with less obstacles?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill aims to allow small business owners to provide health insurance options to employees, with fewer administrative obstacles. The bill also includes an act that allows small businesses to be notified of the various tax-advantaged health coverage options. Employers will cover medical expenses up to a specific period, and employees would get their own coverage that meets the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Sponsor: Rep. Kevin Hern (Republican, Oklahoma, District 9)
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Opponents say

•   "By codifying this rule, employers would be allowed to discriminate against certain classes of workers.  Employers could offer less coverage through Icras to lower income workers, hourly workers, or seasonal workers, reserving better coverage for their c-suite executives. Employers can also single out only high cost workers to get marketplace coverage, leaving a cheaper, healthier pool for the employer’s group coverage. We’ve seen this playbook from the Republicans before, using policies to make the marketplace risk pull sicker, instead of robust, once again putting wealth before health. Republicans are so intent on serving big pharma and their wealthy donors, that they want to build a sicker, poorer, and more segmented version of our country" Source: Rep. Judy Chu (Democrat, California, District 28).  

•   "The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 3799, which is yet another attack on the Affordable Care Act and its critical health care protections. This legislation is just the latest in a long line of attacks on Americans’ ability to access the health care they need." Source: The White House (Press Release)

•  "Health care should not be a privilege reserved for some nor a lucrative business at the expense of everyday people. The GOP CHOICE Arrangement Act is another attempt by the Republicans to put into question who is worthy of care, and I won't be a part of that. I VOTED NO!" Source: Rep. Delia Ramirez (Democrat, Illinois, District 3)

Proponents say

  "The CHOICE Arrangement Act puts employees in the driver’s seat when it comes to picking their health care plan, and lets their employer financially support their decision. This bill will build on a Trump Administration initiative that provides working Americans more healthcare options to choose from, while relieving employers from the administrative burden of annual renewals and selecting one or two plans for all their workers." Source: Rep. Kevin Hern (Republican, Oklahoma District 9)

•  "Small business owners are struggling to keep up with record inflation and soaring healthcare costs. I proudly voted to pass the CHOICE Arrangement Act this week to bring down coverage costs and increase access to quality healthcare for business owners & workers across our state." Source: Rep. Jack LaTurner (Republican, Kansas, District 2)

•   "With my support, this week the House passed The CHOICE Arrangement Act. With rising healthcare costs, more small businesses are struggling to stay afloat. This bill provides more healthcare choices for employees while increasing affordability for small business owners." Source: Rep. David Rouzer (Republican, North Carolina, District 7)