Should Congress reduce overall federal discretionary spending?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill seeks to reduce overall spending by the federal government and lift the debt ceiling. In addition to returning discretionary spending to the 2022 Fiscal Year level in 2024, the bill would rescind unspent COVID relief funds, expand work requirements for federal safety net program eligibility, and nullify executive actions and rules for student loans and debt cancellation. The bill also includes provisions from the Lower Energy Costs Act. Sponsor: Rep. Jodey Arrington (Republican, Texas, District 19)
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Opponents say

    "While President Biden is fighting to clean up toxic pollution and lower costs through clean energy tax credit, Speaker McCarthy unveiled a ransom note holding our economy hostage.  It’s a 320-page plan to kill jobs, fill our cities with smog, and give asthma to our children. The proposal would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act’s green energy tax credits, sending thousands of jobs back to China.  It would make it easier for oil companies to use toxic chemicals that cause severe burns, damage people’s eyes, and quite literally melt bones. It would severely weaken the Clean Air Act, sending us back to the times when cities across the country filled with heavy smog that dirties our air and poisons the lungs of our children. It’s no surprise that over a dozen health and medical organizations, including the American Lung Association and the Children’s Environmental Health Network, oppose these dangerous proposals." Source: Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

    "As the lead Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, which oversees government funding, I have warned for months that cuts of this magnitude will be devastating, no matter how you slice them. But McCarthy and his allies are moving ahead with their reckless plan, even after those agencies have laid out its disastrous consequences. This should outrage all of us. For months, I have heard my Republican colleagues claim that defense, veterans’ health care and border security would be protected. This bill does not keep that pledge. It either puts this funding on the chopping block or forces further cuts to other critical government programs by more than 22 percent. As much as Republicans want to pretend otherwise, these caps are cuts. They would ensure that resources for critical programs remain below current levels for the next 10 years — all for less than one year of preventing a default." Source: Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Democrat, Connecticut, District 3)

Proponents say

    "Our out-of-control spending and its impact on our national debt is the greatest long-term threat to our country and our children’s future. I’m honored to lead my Republican colleagues in this critical endeavor to restore fiscal sanity to Washington before it’s too late. We will pay our bills and protect the good faith and credit of the United States, but we will not give Washington politicians a blank check to bankrupt our country. If we limit spending and promote growth, we will save America from a debt crisis and unleash the limitless potential of American prosperity once again.Source: Rep. Jodey Arrington (Republican, Texas, District 19)

    "This responsible legislation, which is led by our Budget Chairman Jodey Arrington, would responsibly raise the debt limit into next year and provide more than $4.5 trillion in savings to American taxpayers. First - we limit government spending. Our plan would return discretionary spending to pre-inflationary, Fiscal Year 2022 levels and then limit the growth of spending to 1 percent per year. By limiting government spending, we will reduce inflation and restore fiscal discipline in Washington. Second - we save taxpayers money. House Republicans already passed a bill to officially end the pandemic emergency, and President Biden signed it into law last week. Our bill would claw back billions of dollars in unspent COVID money that has sat for 2 years.  Finally – we will grow the economy so we are less dependent on China. For with a strong, growing economy, we will no longer be dependent upon China, we will no longer be victims to inflation, and we can leave a better future for our kids and grandkids." Source: Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Republican, California, District 20)