Should Congress prohibit people assigned a male biological sex at birth from participating in sports programs for girls and women?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill seeks to amend the Education Amendments of 1972 and state that sex is based on an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth. In order to ensure compliance with the act, this bill would prohibit athletic programs from allowing people with a male biological sex at birth from participating in programs intended for women and girls. Sponsor: Rep. Gregory W. Steube (Republican, Florida, District 17)
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Opponents say

    "Right now, transgender and intersex human rights are under attack, with politicians in Washington D.C. pushing forward H.R. 734, the so-called Protection of Girls and Women in Sports Act, which would stipulate that Title IX compliance requires banning transgender and intersex girls and women from participating in sports. If this bill passes, transgender and intersex girls and women throughout the country will be forced to sit on the sidelines, away from their peers and their communities. This will deter girls from participating in sports and create additional barriers. Denying children access to a place where they can gain significant mental and physical health benefits, and learn lifelong lessons that come from being part of a team and working hard towards your goals does not protect women in sports." Source: AthleteAlly

     "These types of sports bans subject women and girls to accusations of being too masculine or too good at their sport to be a real woman or girl. Some require women and girls to verify their gender through sex testing, like invasive and traumatic medical examinations. To be clear, there are numerous examples of actual sex discrimination against girls and women in sports - including fewer athletic opportunities, second-class facilities and equipment, sexual abuse by coaches, doctors, and other students, pay inequities in sports for professional athletes, or insufficient implementation of Title IX. But sports bans are not addressing these real problems." Source: NWLC

Proponents say

    "Allowing biological males to participate in women's sports is a complete affront to the hardworking women and girls who have spent their lives training to achieve their dreams. It's simple: biological males have no place in women's sports. Last Spring, Sarasota's own, Emma Weyant, was robbed of her NCAA Championship in the 500 Freestyle by a biological male, Lia Thomas. Floridians and Americans across the country are rightly outraged at what has become of women's sports. We've seen time and time again how the far left only favors fairness when it aligns with their woke agenda. That's why today, I'm pleased to reintroduce legislation that ensures women and girls a fair playing field in competitive sports.Source: Rep. Gregory W. Steube (Republican, Florida, District 17) 

    "Allowing biological males to compete against biological women is patently unjust,” said Rep. Webster. “This bill leverages Congress' Constitutional power of the purse to protect women and girls who have dedicated their lives to physical training and discipline to achieve excellence in their sport. I will continue to stand up for female athletes and oppose biological males from competing against them." Source: Rep. Daniel Webster (Republican, Florida, District 11)