Should Congress void the rule defining bodies of water that Environmental Agencies can regulate for the purposes of agricultural and environmental reasons?

This bill has Passed the House of Representatives
Bill Summary

This bill calls for congressional disapproval of the revised definition of Waters of the United States rule, which expanded the bodies of water that the government could regulate under the Clean Air Act. Regulations under this rule ensured that there would be critical protections in place for vital water supplies in the nation, which would support public health, agricultural activity, and environmental protection. Sponsor: Rep Sam Graves (Republican, Missouri, 6th District)
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Opponents say

  "It’s [WOTUS rule] grounded in our longstanding authority provided by Congress, and we really learned from the 45 years of implementation as we developed this final rule so [it] balances the needs for clean water protections with the needs of all water users. I think we found that middle ground and that place with this rule." Source: Radhika Fox (EPA Water Chief)

  "Many coastal wetlands were not protected by the rule, leaving tens of millions of Americans who live in coastal counties at greater risk from hurricanes. Furthermore, the rule also removed protections from many prairie wetlands. If the rule had remained in place, the flood-prone Houston region could have seen its remaining storm-absorbing prairie and coastal wetlands paved over at an ever faster rate, leaving the region at even greater risk." Source: National Wildlife Federation 

Proponents say

  "As American families and businesses continue suffering under the economic crises caused by the disastrous Biden policies of the last two years, this Administration has inexplicably decided to move the country back toward the overreaching, costly, and burdensome WOTUS regulations of the past. Congress has the authority and responsibility to review onerous rules like this one handed down from the Executive Branch, and I’m proud that our Committee voted to preserve regulatory clarity and prevent such overzealous, unnecessary, and broadly defined federal power." Source: Rep. Sam Graves (Republican, Missouri, 6th District)

  "With today’s committee action, the House has taken the first step necessary to rescind the Biden Administration’s flawed WOTUS rule. This rule needs to be repealed so Americans across the country are protected from subjective regulatory overreach making it harder to farm, build and generate economic prosperity. I will continue working with Chairman Sam Graves and my colleagues in Congress to make our collective voice heard and push back against onerous rules like this one that are ambiguous and subjective leading to unnecessary complication and litigation for hard-working Americans, our farm families, and property owners." Source: Rep. David Rouzer (Republican, North Carolina, 7th District)