Should communities oversee police departments to prevent discrimination in policing?

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Bill Summary

This bill will reform investigations conducted by the Department of Justice to minimize discrimination in policing. It will establish community oversight bodies to ensure that police departments communicate with the communities and follow consent agreements. Sponsor: Rep. Marilyn Strickland (Democrat, Washington, District 10)
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Opponents say

     "The studies I've seen have suggested two things: one that, in fact, police are less likely to shoot at a black suspect, a little bit more likely to shoot at white, however that police are more inclined to use non-lethal force in a contact with an African American suspect." Source: William Barr (Attorney General)

Proponents say

     "Across the country, Americans have urgently called on their government officials to re-imagine policing, rebuild trust, and improve public safety for all, especially African-Americans and other communities of color. I'’m proud to introduce the Enhancing Oversight to End Discrimination in Policing Act with Senator Warren, because Congress has a critical role to provide the resources and accountability needed to ensure that all of our communities are properly served, protected, and respected." Source: Rep. Marilyn Strickland (Democrat, Washington, District 10)

     "Communities across the country are calling for real reforms to end the systemic racism that plagues not just policing but the entire criminal legal system. We must begin by holding police officers and departments accountable when they engage in racist or discriminatory policing, and provide robust resources at the federal and state level to investigate police departments with histories of unconstitutional policing. This legislation is just one step -- I will keep working with my colleagues for a complete overhaul of our policing and justice systems." Source: Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat, Massachusetts)