Should independent, multi-party redistricting commissions exist in an effort to stop political gerrymandering?

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Bill Summary

This bill requires states to establish independent, multi-party citizen redistricting commissions when conducting Congressional redistricting to ensure the process is transparent and open. Sponsor: Rep. Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA-19]
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Opponents say

•     This bill is a non-partisan redistricting process being used as a partisan tool by the Democrats to regain power.
•    Without action in Congress, dozens have states have already stepped in to establish independent redistricting commissions of their own. We should leave redistricting reform to the states.  

Proponents say

•    Electoral maps are drawn behind closed doors, often to protect incumbent seats by the party holding a statewide majority. This bill ensures voters pick their elected officials (and not that politicians pick their voters) by creating an apolitical redistricting process where politicians can be held accountable by their voters.
•    Political gerrymandering of Congressional districts has undermined the public’s trust in our democratic system. We must restore this trust and providing independent citizen redistricting commissions will do so by creating more transparency in the election process.