Should the government set aside additional funds for disaster relief?

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Bill Summary

This bill would allocate an additional $7.85 billion more towards disaster relief, including for Hurricane Harvey. These funds will go towards both the “Disaster Relief Fund” and the “Disaster Loans Program Account” to help those affected by disasters. Sponsor: Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen [R-NJ-11]
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Opponents say

•     Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY-4] notes, “With $20 trillion dollars of debt, and in the absence of a budget to guide spending, I believe that unscheduled spending should be offset by equal cuts elsewhere. This bill recklessly increases the national debt because it contains no spending offsets.”  
•     Rep. Mark Walker [R-NC-6] argues, “Congress has a duty to act responsibly while showing compassion and lending a helping hand to those in need. This $7.85 billion in aid, and all future aid, needs to be offset and voted on cleanly – not filled with special interests favors and political games that delays people from getting the help they need.”  

Proponents say

•    House Speaker Paul Ryan [R-WI-1] asserts, “The president has made clear Texas and Louisiana will have the resources they need, and this package is our first step of keeping that promise.”  
•    Bill sponsor, Rep. Frelinghuysen, adds, “Hurricane Harvey has caused massive damage across Texas and Louisiana and has been devastating to the hundreds of thousands of victims of catastrophic flooding and other storm-related destruction. It is time to come together as a country to help one another and assist the individuals, families, and communities who have suffered so greatly.”