Should federal dollars be blocked from financing a joint cybersecurity unit with Russia?

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Bill Summary

Preventing Usurpation Through International Networks Act: This bill would forbid federal funds from being used towards the creation or support of a joint cybersecurity unit with the Russian state. Sponsor: Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA-14]
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Opponents say

•    According to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, “What we want to make sure is that we coordinate with Russia, that we're focused on cybersecurity together, that we make sure that they never interfere in any Democratic elections or conduct any cybersecurity. And [a joint cybersecurity unit] is like any other strategic alliance, whether we're doing military exercises with our allies or anything else. This is about having capabilities to make sure that we both fight cyber together.”  
•     Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, notes, “From a cyber standpoint, we need to get together with Russia, we need to tell them, you know, what we think should happen, shouldn't happen, and if we talk to them about it, hopefully we can cut this out and get them to stop.”

Proponents say

•    Bill sponsor Rep. Speier emphasizes, “President Trump’s proposal that the United States cooperate with Russia on a bilateral ‘cybersecurity unit’ is shockingly naïve and dangerous… President Trump should not be inviting Vladimir Putin through the front door of our cyber defenses – this bill will help keep that door locked.”  
•     Rep. Don Byer [D-VA-8] argues, “Donald Trump's proposal to form a 'cyber security unit' with Putin is a terrible idea that would immediately jeopardize American cybersecurity... Trump must acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and take strong, meaningful action to prevent it from happening again in future elections.”