Should undocumented individuals who immigrated to the United States as children be protected from deportation?

Awaiting Vote
Bill Summary

This bill will offer temporary protection against deportation and work authorization for thousands of young undocumented individuals who came to the United States as children (often referred to as DREAMers) while Congress works on a more comprehensive immigration reform package. Those currently protected under Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and those who are or will soon be eligible for it can be protected under the Bridge Act. Sponsor: Rep. Coffman, Mike [R-CO-6]
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Opponents say

• Congress needs to focus on protecting American citizens and those in the United States legally; many believe that it is unfair for those who have endured the arduous immigration process to protect those who have violated immigration law and entered the country illegally, even if they are children (dura lex sed lex: “The law is harsh, but it is the law”)

Proponents say

• Under current law many so-called DREAMers are technically subject to deportation, often to home countries and cultures they may have never known.
• DREAMers are valuable contributors in America’s economy, outstanding students at American universities, and hard-working individuals who are effectively American in all but legal status.
• The Bridge Act continues the vetting process under DACA to ensure that those granted temporary protection against deportation and work authorization have not committed crimes, and meet certain educational requirements.